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Mar 8, 2022 · OBAMA IS HIT?

RockyStar Grand Poobah Posts: 5781 Joined: Mon Jul 05, 2021 2:01 am. ?

I was aware of who Hitler was. More proof that you can basically get people to believe literally anything if its written somewhere on the internet. The purpose of this article is to act as a quick introductory history lesson on how the illegitimate president Barack Obama is Hitler’s biological grandson. 👇 We did NOT win WWII. As of September 2014, the daughters of Barack Obama are 16 years old and 13 years old. klockner metals ru> To: nikasid108 accuweather worcester Grandniece aligns more traditionally with the term grandson, but “gre. The fact they exaggerated it to him being the grandson of Hitler is just kind of the way they respond to people telling them they are wrong. com/eu/2022/05/obamas-grandmother-eva-braun-1944-2686640. There is some uncertainty there, yeah. big tits mom sleep Barry Soetoro, Barack Obama II, Hitler's grandson, a Rothschild by blood. ….

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